Church Information

Our Vision is to be a place where all are welcome for worship and a resource for our members and the community around us! Come and get to know us.

History | Christ Mertz Lutheran Church

WORSHIP TIME is at 9:00 am


Runs concurrently with the worship service.


1st & 3rd Sundays and weekly during festival seasons.


Seasonal and at the discretion of the pastor.

Concerning Baptism

Baptism is a calling of the Holy Spirit to be joined to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Using ordinary water and the Word of God, God frees us from sin and death by joining us to the life of Jesus forever. Baptism begins a life of discipleship in Jesus Christ. Baptism links us to the death and resurrection of Christ precisely so that we repent and receive forgiveness, love our neighbors, suffer for the sake of the Gospel, and witness to Christ.

Baptism is not merely for the individual. It is for the whole body of Christ, the Church. Individuals are baptized, yet this Baptism forms a community.

There is no inappropriate time for Baptism. It is for children. It is for adults. It is done once, yet it is for all of our life.

Baptism includes instruction and nurture in the faith for a life of discipleship.

If you want to learn more about Baptism, how you might receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, or inquire about your child, a family member, or a friend, call the church office at 610-682-7664.

Also, you are encouraged to fill out our Baptismal Information Form.

Concerning Holy Communion

Holy Communion is the food for the baptized. Instituted on the night before his crucifixion, Jesus offered the bread and wine of the traditional Seder meal as his body and blood. “This is my Body …. this is my blood,” these words are central to the church’s understanding of the way God interacts with us.

We believe that Jesus is truly present when we gather around his table. We do not try to explain “how.” We receive in faith what Jesus gives to us; his body and blood. We believe Holy Communion is a means of grace through which God makes known love, grace, and forgiveness of sins to the baptized.

There is no set age for the reception of Holy Communion. This particular congregation offers communion for individuals as young as 6 years old or first grade.

If you would like to learn more about Holy Communion, how you might receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion, or inquire for your child, a family member, or a friend, call the church office at 610-682-7664.

Concerning Marriage

In the eyes of the legal system, marriage is seen as a legal social contract between two individuals who have agreed to share goods and services for an undetermined period of time. The church believes much more about marriage.

The Christian church believes that marriage was instituted by God. Determined by God, God intends the gift of their marriage to be a source of comfort and joy for individuals and a blessing to all whom they encounter.

The individuals’ promises bear witness to God’s faithfulness. Their love and care for one another, though human, limited, and flawed, reflect God’s enduring mercy and steadfast love.

The couple loves because God first loved them.

If you would like to learn more about marriage, how you might seek to be married in the church, or inquire for your child, a family member, or a friend, simply call the church office at 610-682-7664.

Also, you are encouraged to fill out our Marriage Information Form.

Concerning Funerals & The Burial of the Dead

The death of a baptized Christian is an occasion for thanksgiving and the proclamation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. “When the church gathers to mark the end of life, Christ crucified and risen is the witness of worship, the strength of mutual consolation, and the hope of healing” (Evangelical Lutheran Worship, introduction to the Funeral liturgy, p. 666).

Although a funeral honestly confronts the harsh reality of life’s ending, it witnesses our hope in a new life beginning, both for the deceased and for those who grieve. “The Christian life, then, “from baptism to the grave, is nothing else than the beginning of a blessed death. For at the Last Day, God will make [The Christian] altogether new” (LW 35:30-31, quoted in The Christian Life, p. 150).

There is no prescribed location for funerals. Normally, funeral services are held either at a funeral home or the church. For the Christian, the church is the place to celebrate life and resurrection and thus we encourage all baptized Christians, especially those who are members of a congregation, to have their funeral service in the church proper.

If you are in a crisis concerning the death of a loved one and would like a safe space to talk about death and dying, or you would like to talk about planning your funeral service, or you would like any questions about a funeral in the church answered, simply call the church office at 610-682-7664.

Also if you are in need of burial plots for yourself and loved ones in our cemetery – Hope Cemetery, Dryville PA – simply call the church office and we will put you in touch with our cemetery caretaker.

Christ (Mertz) Lutheran Church

The community of Christ Mertz Lutheran Church prioritizes always reaching out to our surrounding community. With its faith in Jesus Christ, a helping hand to those in need, and being part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we are able to help beyond our borders. We continue to look forward and pray that God blesses our efforts and uses us to proclaim the Good News. Just as those settlers, our ancestors strived to do so many years ago.


16 Fleetwood Road · Fleetwood, PA 19522

Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 1 PM

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