Congregational Council
The Congregation Council shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything is done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Comprised of twelve congregational elected voting members of the congregation, the council is the governing body that seeks to guide our “now” and the future of the church in the name of Christ.
Worship and Music
Worship is a unifying event in the life of Christ Mertz Lutheran Church. It is the one time when all members join together in a common purpose—to worship and thank God for God’s grace in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ given to all in word and sacrament. What we do in worship connects everything we do: evangelism, stewardship, education, property, music, the arts, youth, seniors, social ministry, fellowship, and more.
Because worship is a unifying event within a congregation, this committee oversees all worship in a congregation. Apart from overseeing and providing for the regular liturgies of the church Worship and Music provide and care for all devotional materials, support our choirs, sustains and cares for paraments, and sets up for worship by means of the Altar Guild, and is the steward of all musical supplies and instruments.
Care of Members
This committee is devoted to caring for members of the congregation and the needs of the surrounding community.
An example of their grace-filled efforts is distributing holiday food baskets, collecting food and gifts for local social needs agencies such as Friends, Inc., preparing and sharing meals with recently hospitalized and those going through challenging times in their lives. These are all done with love, joy, and compassion, through special gifts from members of the congregation.
Christian Education and Youth
The mission of Christ Mertz Christian Education and Youth program is to provide various education and service activities to ensure that our children remain active in their faith. Our children are not only our future; they are our present.
From weekly Sunday School and Confirmation to summer Vacation Bible School programs, we work to offer our youth ways to hear God’s Word and to continue to grow in grace. From providing worshipping leadership twice a year – December and May – to year-round service opportunities, we encourage them to mature in their love of Jesus.
To give you an idea of what we do to give our youth a hands-on education, here are some examples of what we do:
- Feed the Need packing project to provide much-needed meals to our local food pantries,
- Packing holiday meal boxes to be sent to those in need during the holidays, and
- Creating and delivering holiday cards to our shut-ins and local nursing home.
And then there is always mini-golfing, movie and game nights, lock-ins, and many other activities. The saying is true “youth that play together, pray together.” We try and provide both.
This committee provides maintenance to the exterior and interior of the building and surrounding property. Including periodically checking on the condition of the parish as a whole. They are always welcoming anyone that would like to help with small projects.
This committee meets as needed.
This committee provides opportunities for members to use their time, talent, and financial resources for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. From short-term needs to long-range planning, this committee organizes, strategizes, and implements ways for the church to spread the word of God through outreach and sharing our resources.
Special Projects
The purpose of this committee is to provide opportunities for the body of Christ at Christ Mertz Lutheran Church, Dryville. This task-oriented group provides opportunities for people to socialize, work together, support congregational life and projects while strengthening the love of God in each person through casual conversation and a common goal. Special Projects offers sandwich sales, a seafood supper, and other events with the proceeds going to non-budgeted church needs and/or the surrounding community.
Christ (Mertz) Lutheran Church
The community of Christ Mertz Lutheran Church prioritizes always reaching out to our surrounding community. With its faith in Jesus Christ, a helping hand to those in need, and being part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we are able to help beyond our borders. We continue to look forward and pray that God blesses our efforts and uses us to proclaim the Good News. Just as those settlers, our ancestors strived to do so many years ago.
16 Fleetwood Road · Fleetwood, PA 19522
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 1 PM