“Our discomfort with grace manifests itself in all sorts of ways. It can be discomforting for us to engage the poor and the outcast of our society. It can be discomforting for us to welcome immigrants into our communities. It can be discomforting to address the...
This morning we will be receiving new members and first communicants. “What if seventy-seven isn’t the number of different sins that Jesus intends for us to forgive? What if, instead, it’s the number of tries it takes to be able to forgive just one sin?...
“Peter’s confession is not a precondition for following Jesus; it comes in the middle of his journey of discipleship. Our formation too is a long process—lifelong, in fact—which begins at baptism (or even before!) and is guided by those who travel before and...
“’For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable’ (Romans 11:29). Images of Jonah going to Joppa and booking fare for Tarshish come to mind as he flees from God’s calling for his life. Still, there is a little Jonah in everyone. Everyone has a...
The summer kids’ event called Stellar Vacation Bible School was hosted by our congregation, working in conjunction with Christ Church Children’s Center from July 17 – July 21. At Stellar, kids discovered how they could shine Jesus’ love and hope in everyday life! Kids...
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