Welcome to Christ Mertz Lutheran Church
Good morning and welcome to Christ Mertz Lutheran Church. We are delighted to have you with us on this Trinity Sunday.
“But both Jesus and Paul testify that any presumption of easy friendship and comfortable intimacy with the triune God is as out of place now as ever. The immanent God is still the transcendent God! And it is still true: no mortal can see God’s face or hear God’s voice and live—even if the face and voice belong to Jesus through the Holy Spirit. The life God desires for us is accomplished through Jesus’ death—and through our own through baptism. Those deaths are as utterly terrifying as death always is, but with this grace: the death leads to our holy birth from above into a life where “we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him” (Rom. 8:17).” – sundaysandseasons.com
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